Sometimes I want to give a card to a friend, but Hallmark really just doesn't
get it. I don't necessarily want to be sappy all the time, but would rather have a little sarcasm bring a smile to my friend's face. I'm not exactly keen on scanning the aisles of glittery cards with cursive scrawl, while covering my ears as little kids open and close the musical cards. Thankfully, two lovely friends of mine created the perfect cards that allow me to avoid that dreaded aisle.
Story of My Life Cards has the perfect cards for all occasions, and not just holidays. If you need a card to reminisce on a wild night, they have it. If you need a card for a break up, they have it. If you need a card that's a little naughty, they have it. The photos are hilarious, and the captions make them even better.
Amanda & Annie.
Could there be a cuter pair of friends? |
The two girls behind the company, Amanda and Annie, have wanted to start this forever. I remember listening to them chit-chat about their ideas as business women and as best friends, so it's wonderful to see it come to life. Congrats, ladies.
Oh, and besides having the funniest of cards, they also have a
blog that will make you giggle. With posts on comparing men to shoes to nights that got a little out of hand. I read every post and find myself thinking, "Seriously, this is the story of my life."
Here are a few of my favorites (click on the photos to get to ordering)...
Honestly, these cards celebrate the crazy bits of life that there should be cards for.
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